Neale Sourna's Romance Lies

An author/publisher's site for public submissions of romantic lies you have told or that another has told to you. I am compiling these to publish, so: don't submit anything that will hurt you or someone you love; don't use this site to hurt another; do know that all submissions published here gives this author-publisher the full world rights in all media to reedit and republish your submission(s) in this or any other universally published form. --Neale Sourna

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Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States


It's a simple question or two, isn't it? Have you lied to a lover, a spouse, a major or minor significant, romantic other? On a blind date? At your wedding? In the middle of sex? Was it a little white lie or a huge, hellish one?


Submit your posts here and let me know, but remember the universe is watching and reading, and your publishing may end up in a book on the bestsellers' lists, so go ahead and post. [If a post is chosen to be compiled into another medium, names will be changed to protect the guilty, and no email addresses will be republished to protect me.]


This is research to see where our hearts and minds and larcenies and lusts are. I pray this will be a fine experiment and a nice long and informative one. --Neale, Monday, August 28, 2006


*No payment of funds or materials, whether tangible or intangible, is promised nor guaranteed, neither now nor in the future to anyone submitting a testamonial within this blog. --Neale Sourna, Saturday, October 14, 2006


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Valentine Lies and Chocolates

Tomorrow's St. Valentine's Day and there will many massacres of love and hopes everywhere. Not that I'm a gloom and doomer on love, but it happens. So, when your lover gives you a flowery, chocolate covered lie about who they are or what they've been doing, etcetera, etcetera ... take notes and pen them here. Publish those lies and set them free.

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